
Showing posts from July, 2020

United States Presidential Election 2020 polls

United States Presidential Election 2020 polls Who is leading the presidential polls for 2020 nationwide public opinion polls that have been conducted relating to the general election for the 2020 United States presidential election National polls are a flawed tool for predicting elections President: general election United States Presidential Election 2020 polls Mr. Trump has been an unpopular president for virtually his entire time in office. He has made few efforts since his election in 2016 to broaden his support beyond the right-wing base that vaulted him into office with only 46 percent of the popular vote and a modest victory in the Electoral College. But among a striking cross-section of voters, the distaste for Mr. Trump has deepened as his administration failed to stop a deadly disease that crippled the economy and then as he responded to a wave of racial-justice protests with angry bluster and militaristic threats. The dominant picture that emerges from the poll is of a coun